Advertisement for Technical Assistant & Technician (1) recruitment at CSIR-NIScPR
Result - Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff under RHMD OLP project
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff under CSPS project
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff under RHMD OLP project.
OM regarding posting and joining of duty by project staff under MLP0016
Result for engagement of Project Staff under various OLP projects
OM regarding posting and joining of duty by project staff under OLP
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff under various OLP projects
Result for engagement of Project Staff for National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC)
OM regarding posting and joining of duty by project staff under various OLP
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff for National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC)
Result for engagement as Project Staff
Result for engagement as Project Staff in ''Jigyasa 2.0” project (HCP-0101)
Result for engagement of Project Staff for under various OLP projects
Application form for Walk-in-Interview for post of Executive Assistant
Walk-In-Interview for Selection to the position of executive assistant
Addendum related to Advertisement No. NIScPR/03/V/2024-R&A
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff for under various OLP projects
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in ''Jigyasa 2.0” project (HCP-0101)
Result for the engagement of consultant
Result for the positions of Project staff under the project MLP (SVASTIK) in CSIR-NIScPR
Advertisement for the engagement of consultant
Result for the engagement Project Associate
Re-schedule of interview/reporting time on 22.01.2024 in response Advt No. -NIScPR/1/11/2024-R&A
Result for the engagement Project Associate under OLP projects
Result for the engagement of Project Staff in ''Jigyasa 2.0”
Advertisements for the position of Project Associate under OLP projects in CSIR-NIScPR
Advertisements for the position of Project Associate under Jigyasa 2.0 in CSIR-NIScPR
Result for the engagement of consultant
Notification of Screening Result for Consultant
Result of walk in interview held on 6.09.2023 for Project Associate for OLP project
Advertisement for the engagement of consultant
Result for engagement of Project Staff in CSIR Integrated Skill Project (NWP100)
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff for an OLP projects on 06/09/2023
Walk-In-Interview for Part Time Doctor (Allopathic system) on 24.08. 2023 at 11.00 AM
OM regarding selection of Consultant
Result for HCP-47 project position
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in HCP-47 project
Walk-in-Interview for part time Doctor: One Post
Advertisement for engagement of consultants in CSIR-NIScPR
Application format for engagement of project staff
Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff for various OLP projects
Advertisement for Scientists & Sr. Principal Scientists recruitment at CSIR-NIScPR
Apply online through the following link:
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project staff in HCP-47 project
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in various MLP projects
Walk-in-Interview for Project Associate: I (Rs. 25000/+HRA / Rs. 31000/+HRA) Position : 01
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in Jigyasa 2.0 Project (HCP-0101)
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in PRABHASS project
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in CSIR Integrated Skill Project (NWP100)
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in various MLP projects
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in CSIR Integrated Skill Project NWP100
Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Project Staff in PRABHASS project
List of shortlisted candidates for Ph.D. Program – January 2021 Session
Interview - Shortlisted candidates for Ph.D. Admission session January 2021
Notification for the position of Project Assistant Level- II (JRF)
Walk-in Interview for the post of Executive Assistant at CSIR-NISCAIR &6 CSIR-NISTADS is postponed due to the prevailing Covid-19 epidemic
Result - Shortlisted candidates for Ph.D. Admission session January 2020
Interview - Shortlisted candidates for Ph.D. Admission session January 2020
Result of DTQ Examination for one post of Jr. Asstt. Held on 10/10/2019
Result of the interview held on 8.1.2019 for Project Assistant Level-2 (Advt. No. 1/XII/2018-RA)
Notification for postponement of Trade Test which was scheduled to be held on 28.11.2017
Walk-in-Interview for Research Intern Awards on 23rd August 2016 has been postponed
Corrigendum regarding advertisements for advt No. 2/X/2015-R&A, 3/X/2015-R&A & 1/VI/2015-R&A
Notification for the post of Technician (1) advertised vide Advt. No. 1/VII/2014-R&A